Tuesday 7 July 2020

Motivational story three


There was a king who received a very special gift, 2 beautiful, magnificent, peregrine falcons. He handed them over to a man who was expert in training Falcons. After a couple of months, the trainer informed the king one of the two Falcons was doing really well. Flying majestically! Soaring into the heights of the sky! But the other one, it had not moved at all from its branch, from the very day that he’d started training them.

The King brought healers and sorcerers from all over the place to try and get the Falcon to move, but the bird just wouldn’t fly. Having tried everything he could, the frustrated king said to his minister, “maybe we need someone more familiar with nature, someone who understands animals and birds.I think only such a person can solve this problem. Go. Look for someone like this from the countryside and assign this task to him”.

The next morning, the king was thrilled to see the second Falcon soaring high above the palace gardens. Delighted, he called his minister and asked him to get the doer of this miracle to him. The minister brought a simple farmer to the king.

The king asked the farmer “how did you make this falcon fly?”. The farmer replied “it was very easy, your royal highness. I simply cut the branch on which the bird was sitting”.

We are all created to fly, to live by the incredible potential that we have all been invested with. But, often we sit on our branches clinging to the things that are familiar to us. Remaining stuck in our comfort zones. Not willing to venture out. Not willing to take risks. The possibilities are endless. But for most of us, they remain undiscovered, because we continue to conform to the familiar, to the comfortable, to the mundane. So for the most part, our lives are mediocre, instead of exciting, thrilling and fulfilling.

What is the branch that’s holding you back from flying high? What’s the fear that’s stopping you from taking a risk? What is the weakness that’s inhibiting your growth? Unless we cut off the branches, we are clinging to and free ourselves, we can never take off and reach new heights in our life.

What are you waiting for cut the branch and take your flight?

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