Thursday 3 September 2020

you just need to let go negative things and enjoy yourself.

Some people need weather to be happy, when weather is fine they will feel happy  and some people carry the weather with themselves.

Its all in your mind if you keep thinking good and positive thought than every day is Deepawali for you,

To be happy in life you have to master your thoughts and emotions.

If you go to meet your relative there are some who feel delighted to  see you, and there are few who gives you negative vibes, always making fun of you always criticizing you.

But thing is you can not control those people mind, you can only control yours and its totally up to you how you take the criticism.

If you take criticism negatively you will keep thinking why they said so and it will give you anxiety.

Instead of taking those comments and criticism seriously you just need to let it go and enjoy yourself.

Its all about how you see the life, its all about the vision.

Let me tell you a story.

There were 2 criminal in jail they met each other on lunch time, 1 complain that there is nothing to enjoy in cell outside the window he saw only a huge wall and mud.

Other one says form my window I can see beautiful garden, lake, birds and lot of other mind blowing things, every day he told him what he saw, than one day first prisoner got released. The second prisoner make request to the authority to kindly shift him to other cell.

Authority approve his request, when he shifted to the other cell he saw the same view from the window.

He ask jailer what is this, last prisoner told me that he can saw the garden, lake and other mind blowing things from his window.

Jailer told the prisoner that was the beauty of his own mind, that is what he chose to see and believe.

The world is same for all of us its up to you what you want to see.


Vikas Petwal


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