Thursday 17 June 2021

Do not waste your time



When we were born, we don’t know where we are taking birth, we don’t know our parents are rich or poor.

I have heard lots of people complaints about that they were born in poor family, their parents faced too much difficulty to raise them, and lots of says if they were born in rich family they would have done this or that.

But if you don’t have that background that doesn’t mean you should sit and complain about your life or your luck,

What if you focused on what you can do now to move forward and have the ending that you want.

Whatever happened to you is past and you cannot change the past there is no way we can hit rewind button and start over again.

But you can start again from wherever you are right now. Think about the desired outcome you want for yourself & then decide what you can do from here to achieve that.

You can sit and ruminate or you take the full responsibility of your life and work so hard and smart,  so when you die your children will not complain the same way you were complaining.

They will tell the legacy you left behind, you need to left a good example for them.

Do not waste your time in ruminate for the past work hard for the future, enjoy every struggle of life.


Vikas Petwal

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